Sunday, December 9, 2007

A new adventure

Ah yes, mother nature has a funny way of working. Of course, just 4 days after my insanity I discover that I am not pregnant. (Um, no surprise, but you know, just trying to be polite). I've started my vitamin program. Slowly. Today I got a Chromium supplement as well as Magnesium and for some reason Niacin (which is B3. I don't think I needed to supplement it, but I bought it anyway).
I took them at lunch time, and of course, nothing happened. I'm not sure what I thought would happen, but I feel about the same.
In my attempt to go "smarter carb" -- tonight I cooked my first spaghetti squash. DELICIOUS. I roasted it with a tiny bit of olive oil, salt and pepper. Scraped it out. It was a little crunchy. I'm thinking I'll roast it longer next time. It didn't have a strong flavor, but it did have a hint of "nutty" to it. My husband went crazy for it, asking me to get more tomorrow. That says a lot. My husband is a meat and potatoes guy. Anyway, on top of the squash we had scallops with bacon, lemon, mushrooms and broccoli. It was absolutely divine. One of the best dinners I've cooked in a while. Spaghetti squash will be a staple in our house this winter!

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