Friday, November 30, 2007


This morning the scale said 220.0
I'm down nine pounds from the scale debacle of last week. I'm glad about that. I haven't followed my eating plan to a "t" but I've been close and I've been making healthy choices.
I roasted acorn squash for the first time last night. It was absolutely delicious. I'm determined to try another variety of winter squash this coming week.

I'm having a lot of self doubts about this triathlon. Who am I kidding?? I'll finish last! I don't want to finish last. But then, I guess that's better than not finishing. But still... It takes me 45 minutes (at best!) for the run part...many people finish the whole sprint in that amount of time. I'm wondering if I'm just delusional.

I've discovered the most filling breakfast!
I do 1 tortilla, 1 carton of better than eggs and 1 slice of cheese with salsa. This little breakfast burrito keeps me full until lunch! Even more so than if I substitute 2 slices of lite bread for the tortilla.
*Must stock up on tortillas!