Sunday, November 25, 2007

Disasterous Day 2

I started the day well intentioned, but let's face it, the disaster started with breakfast.
I'd planned to eat two lite slices of bread, one egg and some salsa.
And that's what I ate.
But I cooked the egg over-easy. And as delicious as it is, my stomach can't handle it.
So I was sick. The kind of sick that makes you feel just lousy. I knew it was the egg's fault.
So I'm at the grocery store getting this week's menu food and my stomach is so upset I'm considering leaving the store. I decide to turn to the old remedy. A bottle of Coke. I felt better after the first sip. Truly.
Unfortunately it lead to the slippery slope of "well, I've already cheated so I'll just have..." and what I "just had" was 2 Krispy Kreme donuts. Now, I'm fat, but I haven't had a donut in probably 2 years. Why today? Impulse. They were delicious.
I tried to eat healthy the rest of the day. I had veggie soup with turkey (no carbs) at lunch. I snacked on shredded wheat. I had my planned healthy dinner. I haven't had even half of the water I'm supposed to have though.
This morning the scale said 222.
I bet it's higher tomorrow.
Stupid water weight...
Stupid huge ass.

Oh -- and for some reason, I spent the evening picking at my arms. It wasn't too bad, but it happened.

We did get the Christmas tree up though. It's beautiful.


Chris said...

"Complete a sprint triathlon" - hey, we have the same goal! Good luck in your journey.

Anonymous said...

Awe a few donuts and a soda. You know when you feel bad sometimes you have to eat things that make you feel good. But you did good the rest of the day. sometimes just some extra walking will make up for the moment of weakness.